Curriculum Vitae
Name: Anne de Vries
Birthday and place: 19-7-1949 Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Netherlands.
Gender: Male! (In spite of first name).
Marital Status: Married
Completed courses:
Primary school in Martenshoek. (1955-1961)
Christian Mulo Rehoboth in Hoogezand (department B) (1961-1965)
2nd Christian HBS (Highschool) in Groningen (1965-1967)
Colloquium Greek and Latin University of Utrecht (1968-1970)
Candidate degree at the Faculty of Theology, University of Utrecht (1970-1974)
Theological Education at the Seminary of the union of Baptist congregations in the Netherlands (1968-1974).
Ordained Baptist Minister 1974-present
Baptist Minister:
Baptist Church Coevorden (1974-1977)
Baptist Church Leeuwarden (1977-1983)
Baptist Church Emmen de Bron (1983-1990)
Baptist Church Winschoten (1991-1997)
Baptist Church Hengelo Center. (1997-2003, halftime from 2002)
Union of Baptist Churches in the Netherlands (staff member for church delevoping), (2002-2011 halftime)
Baptist Church Veendam (2003-2014 halftime)
Baptist Church Groningen (2011-2015 half-time, 2015-2016 part-time)
Educational jobs:
1976-1977 Teacher in Social Studies at Menso Alting College in Hoogeveen (graduation and pre-graduation classes VWO and HAVO)
1976-1977 Teacher in Social Studies and Spiritual Movements at the School for Girls in Coevorden.
Volunteering: (selection)
1987-1989 President of the Union of Baptist Congregations in the Netherlands.
1990-1997 President of the Dutch Baptist Youth Movement.
1988-1997 Working group member and secretary of the interdenominational foundation Religion and Incest in Groningen and Drenthe.
2005 – present, board member, since 2010-10-22 until 2023-11-11 chairman of the TGG Knowledge Center Foundation (formerly Alternative Consultation)
2014-2015 chairman of the Evangelical Contact Foundation Groningen
2013 – 2023, member of the arbitration committee of the Union of Baptist Churches
2016 – present board member of the Present South East & Middle Groningen Foundation
2016 – present vice-chairman of Museum Railway STAR Stadskanaal.